
Peer-Reviewed Articles

Weng, Jeffrey. Forthcoming. “Stop the Presses! Publishing Chinese Character Simplification, 1935–1936.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies.

Weng, Jeffrey. 2020. “End of an Era: Transforming Language and Society in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, ca. 1870–1950.” European Journal of Sociology 61(2): 269–299. PDF

Weng, Jeffrey. 2020. “Uneasy Companions: Language and Human Collectivities in the Remaking of Chinese Society in the Early Twentieth Century.” Theory & Society. 49(1):75–100. PDF

Weng, Jeffrey. 2018. “What is Mandarin? The Social Project of Language Standardization in Early Republican China,” Journal of Asian Studies. 77(3): 611–633. PDF

Book Chapters

Weng, Jeffrey. 2020. “Vernacular Language Movement.” Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. PDF

Lie, John and Jeffrey Weng. 2020. “East Asia.” Pp. 129–146 in Wiley Blackwell Companion to Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons. PDF

Book Reviews

Weng, Jeffrey. 2024. “Sound, Meaning, Shape: The Phonologist Wei Jiangong (1901–1980) between Language Study and Language Planning, by Mariana Münning.” Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica 121: 191–197. PDF

Weng, Jeffrey. 2023. “Kingdom of Characters: The Language Revolution That Made China Modern, by Jing Tsu.” The Journal of Asian Studies. 82(3):471–472. PDF

Weng, Jeffrey. 2017. “The Rural Modern: Reconstructing the Self and State in Republican China, by Kate Merkel-Hess.” The China Review 17(3). PDF